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OFAI makes you more creative and more innovative

We at the Office For Applied Intuition (OFAI) are an interdisciplinary team of professionals and scientists. We guide you and your teams through innovation processes and support you in developing your products and services further. In our work with you, we combine methods and processes from designing with elements from team development and organizational development. Our approach is marked by 7 core beliefs:

Finding the appropriate process design
Shaping an idea
Use diversity
Trust your intuition
Enhancing creativity by activity
Creating inspiring work places
Creating a culture of innovation

We offer:

  • Innovation workshops with your innovation and product design teams
  • Trainings for leaders on shaping an innovative culture and team development both aiming at fostering innovation
  • Process consulting on creating a tailor made innovation process
  • Designing and creating innovation friendly work places


Dr. Verena Brehm

Architect + Design Theorist

Stefan Leinweber

Coach + Trainer for Leadership and
Organizational Development

Prof. Dr. Henrik Schultz

Landscape Architect + Walking Scientist

Oliver Seidel

Designer + Urban Planner


The Team represents exactly what LEAD stands for - professionalism, expertise, innovation and above all, contemporary leadership.

Iliyana Gräbner

LEAD Academy

Die Methoden sind so einfach und praxisnah, dass ich Lust bekam, sie sofort am Arbeitsplatz auszuprobieren.

Gundula Hoffmann

Direktorin Figurentheater Chemnitz

Visualizing complex questions and walking around your problem – the training worked well for me and it was fun! Thanks to the inspiring team.

Sven Egenter

Clean Energie Wire

Bei meiner Arbeit als Coach und Trainerin bin ich gefordert, Intuition und Ratio ständig in Verbindung zu setzen. OFAI hat mir geholfen, diese Prozesse anders zu reflektieren.

Tanja Queckenstedt

Coach und Trainerin

In meinem Arbeitsalltag wende ich Methoden wie Mindmapping bereits an, aber das Team von OFAI führt weitere Dimensionen ein und ermöglicht dadurch ganz neue Perspektiven.

Lydia Malmedie

Universität Potsdam

Das Training erfordert viel Mut, wofür man am Ende sehr belohnt wird!

Thomas Rzepus



Verena Brehm
+49 (0)176 24 03 74 01

Stefan Leinweber
+49 (0)172 88 22 339

Henrik Schultz
+49 (0)151 12 26 43 98

Oliver Seidel
+49 (0)176 24 03 74 02

Company Information

Office For Applied Intuition
Escherstr. 22
30159 Hannover

Verena Brehm